Are you really going
out dressed in that?


This, is our very own Shirt Guy.


Now, you're probably wondering why we chose an Elder God carved from living stone to be the guy who's responsible for making our apparel. Particularly, one that is pretty much.. err.. naked. Sure, we could have gone the "easy way" and found someone all soft and fleshy who might actually be able to do something other than sit on his several ton hindquarters and maybe make a shirt or something!



But really, when it comes down to it, the guy's been out of business since Schwarzenegger gave up doing Conan movies and it was either this or be the third Tiki on the left for Richard Simmons "Luau the Pounds Away"

Plus you should see the creases this guy can make! I mean you could shave with them!

But we're not here to talk about our choice of shirt guy (or the heavy night of drinking that preceeded his selection), No, we're here to try to get YOU to buy a fine T-Shirt from us.

The Shirt features a fine quality, original James composition:

Front Back

(Ooh, you've got a bit of drool coming out of your mouth there. Ah, you got it)

And the pricing? Couldn't be better. (well, ok, "free" would be better, but that means the big statue guy goes hungry.)

One Man-Man Standard Logo shirt
(Front: Color Man-Man graphic -- Back: Man-Man Comics Logo)*
US Price w/ shipping (from Canada to the US): **

SizeAir Mail:Ground
small to XL$16US$15.25US
XXL to XXXL$17.50US$16.75US

Please state what size shirt you'll need, if white is alright, and if you'd like to pay by money order, check, or Paypal.
** Anyone interested in Canadian shipping, please contact us for pricing.
* Other designs avalible upon request, though pricing may be different

To order one, simply send a quick note to James at Eventually we'll probably get around to using some spiffy automagical ecommercy ordering system do-dad. But for now just send James a nice note and I'm sure he'll work it out.

Aw, Man! There are pigeons roosting on Krom again. I gotta go...


Back to Man-Man!